AALARA is the peak national body representing the amusement, leisure and recreation industry of Australia.

“Very effective and educational members forum which energises the industry.”

Connecting industry business owners, operators and professionals within the Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreation industry

Since 1994, the Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreation Association Inc (AALARA), has connected industry business owners, operators and professionals within the Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreation industry. The Association educates and trains its members to achieve standards of excellence and professionalism in business ethics, operations and practices.

The association’s aim is also to promote and safeguard the interests of its members whilst being a relevant source of information on industry trends and statistics in the business of fun. AALARA, being the peak national body for the amusement, leisure and recreation industry in Australia provides a united Industry voice within government and community. 

AALARA is the peak national body representing the amusement, leisure and recreation industry of Australia. AALARA has particular responsibilities in the areas of safety, operations and management within these industries.

AALARA was formed to promote and safeguard the interests of its members including business owners and operators and industry professionals in the following amusement, leisure and recreation industry sectors:

Supporting Industry members since 1994

AALARA was formed in 1994, and incorporated in 1995, following a decade of privately sponsored safety seminars to industry business operator’s risk management and business practices. Since that time AALARA has grown to provide a united industry voice and establish standards of excellence and professionalism within the Australian amusement, leisure and recreation industry.

AALARA is a Not-For-Profit member based association incorporated in New South Wales.

An elected voluntary board of industry leaders (Board of Directors), with an Executive Committee consisting of an elected President, President Elect, Vice President, and immediate Past President/Treasurer, manages AALARA’s activities.

An Executive Director of the Association handles the day-to-day management of the association. The current Board has strong representation from individuals who collectively represent hundreds of years of experience in the amusement leisure and recreation industries.

AALARA has also established a number of sub-committees to deal with operational areas such as education and training, conference organising and special projects.

The responsibilities of AALARA’s committees are determined by each three year strategic plan for the association.

AALARA is also represented in Australian Standards committees involved in the drafting and publication of guidance for the manufacture, installation and operation of amusement, leisure and recreation industry equipment.

Code of Ethics

The Australian Amusement Leisure And Recreation Association (“AALARA”) acknowledges the principle of providing amusement, leisure and recreation facilities and experiences for the public as being a matter of public trust. Professional management and the operation of entertainment facilities while observing the highest possible safety standards is of paramount importance to all sectors of the industry from the smallest independent operator to the largest manufacturer or provider of entertainment experiences. This must be the cornerstone of accountability in the Amusement, Leisure and Recreation industries in the 21st century.

All members of AALARA are therefore required to abide by the AALARA Code Of Ethics and Professional Conduct and to the general aims and objectives of AALARA.

AALARA’s Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct recognises that the objectives of the Amusement, Leisure and Recreation profession are to work to the highest standards of professionalism, to attain the highest levels of safety and performance and generally to meet and exceed the public interest requirement. Membership of AALARA is a privilege that carries with it the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct. AALARA’s objectives require that four basic needs be met:

  1. All members will operate and conduct business in a fair, honest and ethical fashion with any party subject to a business or stakeholder relationship and with all members of the public, employee’s or volunteers. Ethical behaviour is not simply compliance with the prevailing legal requirements, it extends to honesty, integrity and social responsibility in all dealings. It is behaviour that can proudly be held up to public disclosure and scrutiny.
  2. Members shall endeavour to avoid disseminating false or misleading information and shall not knowingly do so.
  3. Members shall enter into all contracts and faithfully execute them and gain the respect of fellow operators, guests, customers, employees, suppliers, partners, authorities and the general public.
  4. Members shall operate and conduct their business so as to comply with all applicable health and safety regulations. Members will carry all appropriate insurance and will hold all applicable approvals and consents.
  5. In operating and promoting their business, members shall not unfairly or with prejudice criticise another member’s method of conducting business or seek to unfairly damage the reputation of another operator so as to bring disrepute onto the industry or association.
  6. Members shall hear all complaints made of their operation and will strive to correct and make good errors, omissions and poor service promptly and in good spirit.
  7. Members shall seek to employ persons of good integrity and work ethic and shall compensate them fairly according to their individual skill and responsibility. Members shall strive to provide training and operate in such a manner as to ensure prevention of physical and psychological harm to their employees.
  8. Members shall endeavour to provide healthy surrounds, strong values and shall be alert to the needs, dignity, welfare and happiness of each employee.
  9. In conducting their business members shall deliver high standards of service and safety and cleanliness to their guests and customers. Members should recognise that their business success is tied to the quality of experience and consistency of service and safety they provide.
  10. Members shall conduct all financial affairs fairly and with consideration of all contracts and commitments.
  11. In the conduct of their business members will remember their community responsibility as an industry providing fun and recreation and will maintain an active role in helping those with more limited access to the services we provide. Members should strive to occupy a position of honour in their communities and spheres of influence, as we should as an association and industry collectively.
  12. Members commit themselves to continuous self-improvement and shall seek to constantly improve the level of professionalism, safety, service and cleanliness in our industry.
  13. Members acknowledge non-competition in the development of safety standards and that information pertinent to the positive development of safety and operational standards can be communicated without prejudice to any member.
  14. No member shall conduct themselves in such a manner nor conduct business under any name, style or title that is, in the opinion of the board, prejudicial to the professional status of the industry or the reputation of the association.

General Member Responsibilities (Member Principals)
Member Principals accept a positive duty to observe the highest standards in their business practice and will promote the benefits of good ethical practice in all their dealings; and will improve the general understanding of professional amusement and recreation industry ethics and practice. Member Principals undertake to observe this Code of Ethics, and any other article or amendment which shall be incorporated into it.

General Member Responsibilities (Member Employees)
Member employees should be asked to comply with this Code of Ethics and any additions required in the particular business as a condition of employment. Member principals understand that if they or an employee knowingly causes or permits an employee to act in a manner inconsistent with this Code that they are party to such action and shall then be deemed to be in breach of it.

All members of AALARA are therefore required to abide by the AALARA Constitution and to the general aims and objectives of AALARA

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